A downloadable game for Windows

This is in ALPHA and is abandoned.

I'm no programmer and I made this game in 2021 when i got into gamedev as a hobby, but i picked it back up recently and brought it to a mostly playable state.
Now it's abandoned for good.

(A) /  X  / Space = Jump
(X)/ Z / Shift = Run/Wrench
Start = Pause Menu
You can use numbers 1 through 8 on your keyborad to load a specific level.
Home Key = toggle fullscreen during play.
P = hide/show Debug info.
(Y) = activate debug invincibility.  
(B)/ Esc = reloads from last checkpoint.

Known Problems
Option Menu might bug out if you exit using the button while a confirmation window is open.
Falling into an enemy at great speed often results in death.
Level 1-4 checkpoints are busted for some reasons and i had to remove them. Feel free to skip. They (should) work fine everywhere else.
Final level is half-assed.
Bosses are outright missing because i don't know how to make them.
Missing a whole lot of polishing like a death animation or non restarting music when you die.

I don't have time to fix or learn how to fix this shit so enjoy!


Ultra Marino.zip 217 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip. Unzip. Play.

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